Competitor Detailed Information
"Callisto" - USA 5202

Owner / Skipper Info
Name:Kate and Jim Murray
City:Roche Harbor
Yacht Club:RORC / STC

Yacht Info
Name:"Callisto" - USA 5202
Design:PAC 52

Crew Info


Shawn Dougherty Rush Chairman Group 1 USA
Robert Evans Headsail Trimmer Group 1 USA
Justin Ferris Watch Captain Group 3 NZ
Jared Henderson USA
Ansel Koehn USA
Steven Leuck Grinder Group 1 USA
Ricky McGarvie Bow Group 3 USA
Ian Moore Navigator Group 3 USA
James Murray Skipper Group 1 USA
Steve Orlebeke Main Trimmer Group 1 USA
Matt Pistay USA
Erika Reinekee Other Group 3 USA
Cameron Rylance Mid Bow USA
Daniel Rylance Grinder Group 1 USA

Race Results

Performance Summary - Table and Chart

Team Page

ORC Ratings - Cert. Ref.: 04560002AMC - ORC Club

APHD383.4000   APHT 1.5649   GPH430.5000

Scoring Options
Scoring Option ToD ToT   Scoring Option ToD ToT
Triple Number AP Low 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Low 706.4 0.8494
Triple Number AP Medium 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Low/Med 592.7 1.0124
Triple Number AP High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Medium 479.4 1.2515
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Low 645.6 0.9294   5-Band W/L Med/High 419.4 1.4307
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Medium 487.6 1.2304   5-Band W/L High 384.6 1.5601
Triple Number Windward/Leeward High 408.7 1.4680   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Low 0.0 1.0922   Windward/Leeward 60-40 High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   5-Band AP Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Medium 0.0 1.3520   5-Band AP Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Med/High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band AP Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - High 0.0 1.4704   5-Band AP Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Low 0.0 1.0977   5-Band AP High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Medium 0.0 1.5483   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Med/High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind High 0.0 2.0418   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching Low 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac Upwind   1.3920
Predominant Reaching Medium 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac All Purpose   1.4525
Predominant Reaching Med/High 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac Downwind   1.5168
Predominant Reaching High 0.0 0.0000   Bayview-Mac Shore   1.3742
        Harvest Moon Regatta 0.0 1.8338>
Single Number Scoring Options        
Single W/L   1.2309        
Single A/P   1.5649        

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