Competitor Detailed Information
"Dirty Harry" - USA 40561

Owner / Skipper Info
Name:Jack McGuire
Yacht Club:Annapolis Yacht Club/Storm Trysail

Yacht Info
Name:"Dirty Harry" - USA 40561
Design:J 29

Crew Info


Jack McGuire USA

Race Results

Performance Summary - Table and Chart

Team Page

ORC Ratings - Cert. Ref.: 04560002T85 - ORC NS Club

APHD602.6000   APHT 0.9957   GPH673.1000

Scoring Options
Scoring Option ToD ToT   Scoring Option ToD ToT
Triple Number AP Low 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Low 1064.3 0.5637
Triple Number AP Medium 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Low/Med 894.7 0.6706
Triple Number AP High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band W/L Medium 716.2 0.8378
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Low 976.6 0.6144   5-Band W/L Med/High 647.2 0.9271
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Medium 728.3 0.8238   5-Band W/L High 621.3 0.9657
Triple Number Windward/Leeward High 638.6 0.9395   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind 0.0 0.0000   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Low 0.0 0.7430   Windward/Leeward 60-40 High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   5-Band AP Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Medium 0.0 0.9267   5-Band AP Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - Med/High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band AP Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Upwind - High 0.0 0.9712   5-Band AP Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Low 0.0 0.6886   5-Band AP High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Medium 0.0 0.9500   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low/Med 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind Med/High 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Medium 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Downwind High 0.0 1.1496   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Med/High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching Low 0.0 0.0000   5-Band SF Bay Tour - High 0.0 0.0000
Predominant Reaching Low/Med 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac Upwind   0.9283
Predominant Reaching Medium 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac All Purpose   0.9329
Predominant Reaching Med/High 0.0 0.0000   Chicago-Mac Downwind   0.9394
Predominant Reaching High 0.0 0.0000   Bayview-Mac Shore   0.8945
        Harvest Moon Regatta 0.0 1.1322>
Single Number Scoring Options        
Single W/L   0.8182        
Single A/P   0.9957        

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