Competitor Detailed Information
"Oakcliff Farr 40 Black - HFOR Racing" - USA 51695

Owner / Skipper Info
Name:Oakcliff Sailing
City:Oyster Bay
Yacht Club:Oakcliff Sailing - Queens University

Yacht Info
Name:"Oakcliff Farr 40 Black - HFOR Racing" - USA 51695
Design:Farr 40M

Crew Info


Samson Barbara Bow Group 1 USA
Jane Butler Main Trimmer USA
Sophie Carter Helm Group 1 USA
Luca Graham USA
Jullian Hill Floater Canada
Graham Lawlor Alternate Group 1 USA
Amelia Nugent Pit Group 1 USA
Oakcliff Sailing USA
Siri Schantz Navigator Group 1 USA
Liam Toward Bow Group 1 Canada
Morgen Watson USA
Clea Yates Pit Group 1 USA

Race Results

Performance Summary - Table and Chart

Team Page

ORC Ratings - Cert. Ref.: 045600036EO - ORC Intl.

APHD472.7000   APHT 1.2693   GPH525.8000

Scoring Options
Scoring Option ToD ToT   Scoring Option ToD ToT
Triple Number AP Low 585.1 1.0255   5-Band W/L Low 789.8 0.7597
Triple Number AP Medium 472.6 1.2697   5-Band W/L Low/Med 653.8 0.9178
Triple Number AP High 418.5 1.4336   5-Band W/L Medium 571.3 1.0502
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Low 748.4 0.8017   5-Band W/L Med/High 517.2 1.1600
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Medium 579.5 1.0353   5-Band W/L High 474.9 1.2635
Triple Number Windward/Leeward High 506.1 1.1856   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low 793.2 0.7565
Predominant Upwind 512.6 1.1705   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low/Med 661.6 0.9069
Predominant Reaching 449.1 1.3361   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Medium 584.0 1.0274
Predominant Downwind 637.7 1.2701   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Med/High 535.8 1.1198
Predominant Upwind - Low 640.1 0.9374   Windward/Leeward 60-40 High 500.9 1.1979
Predominant Upwind - Low/Med 552.5 1.0860   5-Band AP Low 612.9 0.9790
Predominant Upwind - Medium 502.9 1.1930   5-Band AP Low/Med 522.7 1.1479
Predominant Upwind - Med/High 472.5 1.2699   5-Band AP Medium 466.6 1.2860
Predominant Upwind - High 454.8 1.3192   5-Band AP Med/High 426.4 1.4073
Predominant Downwind Low 637.7 0.9409   5-Band AP High 397.3 1.5103
Predominant Downwind Low/Med 530.1 1.1318   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low 750.0 0.8000
Predominant Downwind Medium 459.7 1.3052   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low/Med 625.4 0.9595
Predominant Downwind Med/High 403.4 1.4873   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Medium 550.5 1.0899
Predominant Downwind High 358.7 1.6728   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Med/High 501.1 1.1973
Predominant Reaching Low 570.5 1.0516   5-Band SF Bay Tour - High 464.8 1.2909
Predominant Reaching Low/Med 491.0 1.2221   Chicago-Mac Upwind   1.1478
Predominant Reaching Medium 440.2 1.3629   Chicago-Mac All Purpose   1.1946
Predominant Reaching Med/High 400.2 1.4993   Chicago-Mac Downwind   1.2499
Predominant Reaching High 372.6 1.6103   Bayview-Mac Shore   1.1271
        Harvest Moon Regatta 405.7 1.4789>
Single Number Scoring Options        
Single W/L   1.0322        
Single A/P   1.2693        

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