Competitor Detailed Information
"Touch of Grey" - USA 68750

Owner / Skipper Info
Name:Trevor Roach
Yacht Club:Cedar Point Yacht Club

Yacht Info
Name:"Touch of Grey" - USA 68750

Crew Info


Mike Andre Other Group 1 USA
Jamie Fales Engineer Group 1 USA
Theodore Hendrickson Floater Group 1
Chase Reynolds USA
Trevor Roach Group 1 USA
Mark Shannon In the way Group 1 USA
James Townsend Watch Captain Group 1 USA
Bill Wiggins Main Trimmer Group 1 USA

Race Results

Performance Summary - Table and Chart

Team Page

ORC Ratings - Cert. Ref.: 045600033VJ - ORC Intl.

APHD490.4000   APHT 1.2235   GPH552.2000

Scoring Options
Scoring Option ToD ToT   Scoring Option ToD ToT
Triple Number AP Low 637.8 0.9407   5-Band W/L Low 874.7 0.6860
Triple Number AP Medium 487.9 1.2297   5-Band W/L Low/Med 700.5 0.8565
Triple Number AP High 429.3 1.3976   5-Band W/L Medium 590.6 1.0160
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Low 824.5 0.7277   5-Band W/L Med/High 532.2 1.1273
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Medium 601.1 0.9981   5-Band W/L High 492.3 1.2186
Triple Number Windward/Leeward High 522.2 1.1490   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low 881.1 0.6810
Predominant Upwind 530.5 1.1309   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low/Med 708.8 0.8465
Predominant Reaching 467.4 1.2837   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Medium 601.3 0.9979
Predominant Downwind 697.5 1.2060   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Med/High 546.3 1.0982
Predominant Upwind - Low 708.5 0.8468   Windward/Leeward 60-40 High 511.9 1.1722
Predominant Upwind - Low/Med 586.5 1.0230   5-Band AP Low 673.3 0.8911
Predominant Upwind - Medium 513.8 1.1678   5-Band AP Low/Med 554.3 1.0824
Predominant Upwind - Med/High 476.2 1.2600   5-Band AP Medium 480.6 1.2484
Predominant Upwind - High 454.9 1.3190   5-Band AP Med/High 437.1 1.3725
Predominant Downwind Low 697.5 0.8602   5-Band AP High 406.9 1.4745
Predominant Downwind Low/Med 563.9 1.0640   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low 830.9 0.7221
Predominant Downwind Medium 479.4 1.2515   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low/Med 669.1 0.8968
Predominant Downwind Med/High 424.4 1.4138   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Medium 568.0 1.0564
Predominant Downwind High 379.2 1.5823   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Med/High 513.4 1.1686
Predominant Reaching Low 623.7 0.9620   5-Band SF Bay Tour - High 477.1 1.2576
Predominant Reaching Low/Med 518.4 1.1575   Chicago-Mac Upwind   1.1083
Predominant Reaching Medium 454.0 1.3217   Chicago-Mac All Purpose   1.1435
Predominant Reaching Med/High 412.5 1.4546   Chicago-Mac Downwind   1.1866
Predominant Reaching High 381.5 1.5729   Bayview-Mac Shore   1.0650
        Harvest Moon Regatta 422.8 1.4191>
Single Number Scoring Options        
Single W/L   0.9898        
Single A/P   1.2235        

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