Competitor Detailed Information
"ANSS Tartan 2" - 4

Owner / Skipper Info
Name:Ian Morrison
Yacht Club:Annapolis Sailing School

Yacht Info
Name:"ANSS Tartan 2" - 4
Design:Tartan 245

Race Results

Performance Summary - Table and Chart

Team Page

ORC Ratings - Cert. Ref.: 045600033VQ - ORC Club

APHD631.0000   APHT 0.9509   GPH713.3000

Scoring Options
Scoring Option ToD ToT   Scoring Option ToD ToT
Triple Number AP Low 834.8 0.7188   5-Band W/L Low 1144.1 0.5244
Triple Number AP Medium 628.3 0.9550   5-Band W/L Low/Med 916.3 0.6548
Triple Number AP High 544.8 1.1013   5-Band W/L Medium 769.2 0.7800
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Low 1077.6 0.5568   5-Band W/L Med/High 683.6 0.8778
Triple Number Windward/Leeward Medium 784.3 0.7650   5-Band W/L High 643.8 0.9320
Triple Number Windward/Leeward High 674.2 0.8900   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low 1163.1 0.5159
Predominant Upwind 691.1 0.8681   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Low/Med 934.3 0.6422
Predominant Reaching 598.3 1.0028   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Medium 786.2 0.7632
Predominant Downwind 893.2 0.9439   Windward/Leeward 60-40 Med/High 703.1 0.8533
Predominant Upwind - Low 946.2 0.6341   Windward/Leeward 60-40 High 671.7 0.8933
Predominant Upwind - Low/Med 775.4 0.7738   5-Band AP Low 882.5 0.6799
Predominant Upwind - Medium 666.5 0.9002   5-Band AP Low/Med 721.3 0.8319
Predominant Upwind - Med/High 607.0 0.9885   5-Band AP Medium 617.7 0.9714
Predominant Upwind - High 584.5 1.0265   5-Band AP Med/High 554.0 1.0830
Predominant Downwind Low 893.2 0.6717   5-Band AP High 518.3 1.1577
Predominant Downwind Low/Med 722.2 0.8308   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low 1091.7 0.5496
Predominant Downwind Medium 613.2 0.9784   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Low/Med 878.2 0.6832
Predominant Downwind Med/High 538.9 1.1134   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Medium 740.0 0.8108
Predominant Downwind High 479.3 1.2519   5-Band SF Bay Tour - Med/High 660.0 0.9090
Predominant Reaching Low 812.2 0.7387   5-Band SF Bay Tour - High 623.1 0.9630
Predominant Reaching Low/Med 668.9 0.8970   Chicago-Mac Upwind   0.8482
Predominant Reaching Medium 579.2 1.0359   Chicago-Mac All Purpose   0.8852
Predominant Reaching Med/High 522.0 1.1494   Chicago-Mac Downwind   0.9281
Predominant Reaching High 478.2 1.2546   Bayview-Mac Shore   0.8175
        Harvest Moon Regatta 535.1 1.1214>
Single Number Scoring Options        
Single W/L   0.7602        
Single A/P   0.9509        

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