2021 Four Sisters Regatta
Final Cumulative Results

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Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Race
Alpha Course Racing
One Design Division
Optimist Green
1.   CAN 1821 none Optimist Rhys MacKay 1 1 2 6 3 1 [6] 8.0
2.   CAN 9 Mr. Mountain Dew Optimist Oliver Ruch 2 9 13/DNC 1 1 2 [13] 15.0
3.   CAN 1353 . Optimist Elliot Walker 5 4 1 7 8 4 [8] 21.0
4.   CAN 1479 none Optimist Luke MacKay 6 2 5 2 6 6 [6] 21.0
5.   CAN 1606 NA Optimist Ethan MacLean 4 3 4 9 7 3 [9] 21.0
6.   1201 McLaughlin Optimist Ava Gerber 3 7 3 10 2 10 [10] 25.0
7.   CAN 1774 1774 Optimist Isla Sitter 10 5 6 4 4 7 [10] 26.0
8.   CAN 1635 CAN1635 Optimist Esme Pearson 13/NSC 8 9 3 9 5 [13] 34.0
9.   CAN 2016 CAN 2016 Optimist Timothy Gavich 13/NSC 6 7 5 11 8 [13] 37.0
10.   CAN 1620 Swallow Optimist Jane Laderoute 8 10 8 11 5 12 [12] 42.0
11.   Can 1677 NIKE Optimist Nikita Reuter 7 12 10 8 10 11 [12] 46.0
12.   Can 582 The Hulk Optimist Theo Reuter 9 11 13/DNC 12 12 9 [13] 53.0
1.   2223 Tubby Pram Margaret MacGillivray 1 1 3 1 2 1 [3] 6.0
2.   CAN 2201 Ducky Pram Clare Varty 3 2 2 2 1 2 [3] 9.0
3. Doyle Sailmakers  CAN 2245 2245 Pram Steven Sheppard 2 3 1 3 3 3 [3] 12.0
4.   CAN 2267 Sam’s Tub Pram Samuel Dionne 5/NSC 5/DNC 5/DNC 4 4 5/DNS [5] 23.0
Bravo Course Racing
One Design Division
1.   CAN 1634 1634 (Red) Optimist Callum Ruch 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 [3] 11.0
2.   CAN 1585 Pink Panther (Blue) Optimist Oliver Leheup 3 6 5 1 3 1 1 [6] 14.0
3.   166 CAN 166 (Blue) Optimist Sterling Ott 7 1 4 3 12/SCP 3 2 [12] 20.0
4.   1822 Opti (Blue) Optimist Jack Gillis 1 3 13 7 5 6 7 [13] 29.0
5.   CAN 1782 n/a (Red) Optimist Tristan Miles 9 5 6 5 7 4 27 [27] 36.0
6.   CAN 1795 Rock It (Blue) Optimist Spencer Hrubant 13 7 10 9 4 5 6 [13] 41.0
7.   MEX 1058 Spyro (Blue) Optimist Andres Noriega 8 11 7 8 8 9 5 [11] 45.0
8.   Can 1334 Opti (Blue) Optimist Phillip Duko 6 8 2 4 6 35/UFD 20 [35] 46.0
9.   CAN 1413 CAN1413 (Red) Optimist Alec Bostan 5 10 8 11 35/UFD 8 12 [35] 54.0
10.   CAN 1610 CAN 1610 (Blue) Optimist Emilie Leung 16 18 17 13 10 7 4 [18] 67.0
11.   CAN 1800 CAN1800 (Blue) Optimist Brodie Sorensen 12 9 9 15 12 10 19/SCP [19] 67.0
12.   CAN 1547 Dash (Red) Optimist Cheyenne Stafford 14 20 14 10 9 17 14 [20] 78.0
13.   1650 NA (Red) Optimist Jocelyn Zhu 17 16 15 12 11 22 9 [22] 80.0
14.   CAN 1576 Neptune's Fury (Red) Optimist Sally Laderoute 10 23 11 20 17 14 10 [23] 82.0
15.   1371 n/a Optimist Tiago Keilman 11 12 12 16 21 18 13 [21] 82.0
16.   CAN 1798 Miss Piggy (Blue) Optimist Eva Doucette 20 14 18 14 15 11 11 [20] 83.0
17.   CAN 1818 CAN1818 (Red) Optimist Andi Kinnear 4 4 3 6 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 87.0
18.   CAN 1804 1804 (Blue) Optimist Anna Chisholm 15 17 20 17 13 12 15 [20] 89.0
19.   1471 Optimist Hayden Keilman 21 15 22 22 14 16 16 [22] 104.0
20.   CAN 1796 CAN1796 (White) Optimist Tia Kinnear 24 13 16 25 35/UFD 15 19 [35] 112.0
21.   CAN 1721 Pegase (Red) Optimist Branwen Craig 19 24 19 19 18 19 18 [24] 112.0
22.   CAN 1720 Natom Bomb (Red) Optimist Thomas Storer 22 19 24 18 20 21 25 [25] 124.0
23.   CAN 1747 Mad Natom (Blue) Optimist Nathaniel Storer 18 22 21 21 22 35/UFD 24 [35] 128.0
24.   CAN 1669 Swan B (White) Optimist Bernard Luttmer 27 25 23 24 19 13 26 [27] 130.0
25.   CAN 1594 CAN1594 (Blue) Optimist Elijah Pearson 23 21 35/RET 35/DNC 26 20 17 [35] 142.0
26.   1370 Tortuga (Blue) Optimist Alisia Bowgen 25 26 26 23 24 23 22 [26] 143.0
27.   CAN 1728 N/A (White) Optimist Charlotte Nugent 26 27 25 27 35/UFD 35/UFD 29 [35] 169.0
28.   CAN 1786 Miss Piglet (White) Optimist Mia Doucette 29 35/DNS 35/NSC 35/DNC 27 25 21 [35] 172.0
29.   CAN 1341 No Probllama (Red) Optimist Abigail Richards 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNF 26 23 35/UFD 23 [35] 177.0
30.   CAN 1440 CAN1440 (White) Optimist Jaime Sorensen 28 29 35/RET 35/DNC 25 35/UFD 28 [35] 180.0
31.   CAN 1670 Boat (Blue) Optimist Olive Weakley 35/DNC 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNC 16 26 35/DNS [35] 182.0
32.   1592 Opti (Red) Optimist Joel Voyer 30 28 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 198.0
33.   CAN 1410 RCYC (Blue) Optimist Cole Bennett 35/DNF 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/UFD 24 35/DNS [35] 199.0
34.   1313 1313 (Blue) Optimist Vivienne Boulanger 35/DNF 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 210.0
Charlie Course Racing
One Design Division
Club 420 Spinnaker
1.   8232 Lightning McQueen 420 Luke Strickland / Christian Voyer 3 9 2 1 1 [9] 7.0
2.   8873 Phlat Earth c420 Elle Pirie / Claire Podolsky 2 1 7 4 2 [7] 9.0
3.   8872 Orange C420 Asher Mclelland / Michael Tahir 1 7 1 44/DSQ 4 [44] 13.0
4.   8634 Knot 4 Sail 2.0 C 420 Olivia Delisle / Jonah Fy 15 3 5.5 2 5 [15] 15.5
5.   7148 CAN 7148 420 Rocky Walsworth / Owen Brohman 5.5 5.5 5.5 7 3 [7] 19.5
6.   8171 Usain Boat C420 Liam Marshall / Nathan Marshall 21 4 4 6 9 [21] 23.0
7.   CDA 8170 Louis II Club 420 Ainsley Lane / Paul Beaudoin 20 2 10 3 10 [20] 25.0
8.   CAN 855 420 Lucila Traid / Ginger Groen 5.5 8 3 11 20 [20] 27.5
9.   8628 N/A c420 spinnaker Tiago Zuza / Aidan Van Droffelaar 11 11 9 19 6 [19] 37.0
10.   8630 Showboat C420 Quinn Cooke / Callum Cooke 27 18 8 5 7 [27] 38.0
11.   8625 Paul C420 Emma Duong / Fern Coulter 4 5.5 11 18 19 [19] 38.5
12.   8629 n/a c420 Spinnaker Emily Chan / Jack Hannah 12 12 16 13 14 [16] 51.0
13.   7143 420 Jack Jacobs / Sophia Green 10 14 15 15 15 [15] 54.0
14.   7204 Gary 420 Valerie Arsenault / Estela Katchen 8 20 44/DNF 25 8 [44] 61.0
15.   1 Team Ally and Sunny C420 Sunny Sun / Ally Jones 9 10 19 26 29 [29] 64.0
16.   4293 N/A C420 spinnaker Theodore Lam / Alexander Lam 19 13 22 44/BFD 11 [44] 65.0
17.   CAD 7563 Pier Pressure C420 Eric Pinkerton / Adam Stang 24 16 14 12 34 [34] 66.0
18.   7044 Naut A Yacht c420 Marguerite Torres Stickney / Kate Gordon 17 17 12 21 28 [28] 67.0
19.   Can 9084 N/a C420 Owen Henderson / Simon Von Cramon 7 35 27 24 21 [35] 79.0
20.   4043 All of the above C 420 Joseph Weigensberg / Kai Smolin 13 22 44/DNC 14 33 [44] 82.0
21.   7421 Not Juan C420 Stefan Chin / Memo Ozdincer 26 21 28 8 37 [37] 83.0
22.   8633 ZIM Club 420 Luke Gardiner / Timothy Williams 22 32 13 27 22 [32] 84.0
23.   7049 the anna C 420 Anna Van Raalte / charlie bolt 25 23 21 28 17 [28] 86.0
24.   CAN 6266 CAN c420 Graham O'Connor / Jack Graham 30 28 17 20 23 [30] 88.0
25.   7154 SLYC C 420 William O'Callaghan / Finn Kimsa 31 29 18 16 26 [31] 89.0
26.   5640 the other 420 420 Oliver Cowan / west piercy 18 27 20 29 24 [29] 89.0
27.   7083 N/A Club 420 Merissa Anderton / Gabrielle Jensen 44/DNC 30 29 22 13 [44] 94.0
28.   7152 7152 420 Blane Rishor / Cameron Kinnear 14 19 44/DNF 17 44/DSQ [44] 94.0
29.   CAN 9022 CAN 9022 420 Asher Williams / Robina Stewardson 28 44/DNF 44/DNC 9 18 [44] 99.0
30.   7149 Sinterklass C 420 Charlotte Andersons / Gabriel Cellarius 23 24 23 30 35 [35] 100.0
31.   9028 9028 C420 Nathan Rumble / Lucas Quintas-Tang 16 25 44/DNF 44/BFD 16 [44] 101.0
32.   CAN 8874 YviesIris 420 Aurora Norrie-Frank / Venus Mottaghyyan 44/DSQ 26 31 10 44/DSQ [44] 111.0
33.   CAN 7327 CAN7327 C420 Alexander Anderson / Ethan Anderson 36 15 30 44/BFD 30 [44] 111.0
34.   7607 SLSC C420 Jake Rix-Wilson / Cooper Wright 44/DSQ 31 44/DNF 31 12 [44] 118.0
35.   8414 Red 420 Cate Jacobs / Tess Van Bruggen 35 33 26 32 27 [35] 118.0
36.   8551 TBC 420 C 420 Goran Staznik / Marcus 32 34 24 33 44/DNF [44] 123.0
37.   CAN 5642 NotThat420 420 Caelan Richardson-Queenan / Margo Karras 33 44/UFD 25 34 31 [44] 123.0
38.   6811 CanAM c420 Hannah Abush / Alyssa Abush 34 38 32 23 38 [38] 127.0
39.   8833 C420 C420 Samuel Evans / Charlotte Mason 37 37 44/DNC 36 36 [44] 146.0
40.   6814 6814 C 420 Sean OMeara / Ben McRae 44/DNF 44/DNC 44/DNC 37 25 [44] 150.0
41.   8412 Blythe and Taylor 420 Blythe Brooks-Hill / Taylor Dalton 29 36 44/DNC 44/DNC 44/DNC [44] 153.0
42.   CAN 7144 na C 420 Julianne Taylor / Ava Simpson 44/DNC 44/DNF 44/DNF 35 32 [44] 155.0
43.   7042 Jackson Podolsky c420 Jackson Podolsky / Adrian Wiltshire 44/DNC 44/DNC 44/DNC 44/DNC 44/DNC [44] 176.0
Delta Course Racing
One Design Division
1.   CAN 2446 29er 29er Andreas Steinitz / Jackson Macaulay 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 [4] 7.0
2.   CAN 2739 Team Tom Ford 29er Thomas Desrochers / Ford Amery 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 [4] 12.0
3.   CAN 2592 CAN 2592 29er Mattias Koechli / Andreas Koechli 3 2 3 2 7/OCS 2 4 [7] 16.0
4.   CAN 2604 Team Andrew Sebastian 29er Andrew Chisholm / Sebastian McClay 7/OCS 4 2 4 3 3 3 [7] 19.0
5.   2411 N/A 29er Piper Howell / Owen Gormely 5 5 5 7/DNC 7/RET 5 5 [7] 32.0
6.   CAN 258 Sail Manly 29er Callum Bowness-Linegar / Devon Carrow 4 6 6 7/RET 7/RET 6 6 [7] 35.0
1.   204462 laser Laser Connor Whynot 1 1 1 5/DNC 1 1 [5] 5.0
Laser 4.7
1.   204468 Laser Laser Angus McTavish 1 1 1 2 5 1 [5] 6.0
2.   2 Laser Laser 4.7 Jack Nugent 3 2 2 1 2 3 [3] 10.0
3.   CAN 209339 can209339 LASER 4.7 Melissa OConnor 2 6 3 4 1 2 [6] 12.0
4.   199954 199954 Laser Annika Hoogland 4 3 4 5 3 5 [5] 19.0
5.   9 Laser 4.7 Laser Elizabeth Leheup 7 4 5 3 7 7 [7] 26.0
6.   1648 EW Laser Elliot Webster 6 5 6 10/DNC 4 6 [10] 27.0
7.   CAN 196054 Allspice Laser 4.7 Keira Barclay 5 7 7 10/DNC 6 4 [10] 29.0
Laser Radial
1.   214031 Laser Radial ILCA 6 / Laser Radial Mats Braaten 3 5 5 2 6 3 [6] 18.0
2.   CAN 214043 214043 Laser Radial Braden Johnson 8 1 3 3 7 23/SCP [23] 22.0
3.   CAN 216323 Laser Laser Radial Owen Maloney 2 2 7 19 1 12 [19] 24.0
4.   CAN 215652 Laser Radial Jack Schauer 13 4 2 6 5 9 [13] 26.0
5.   CAN 125057 Ginger Mobile Laser Radial Kyber Lovshin 4 3 8 7 21 8 [21] 30.0
6.   209331 none Laser Connor Rodness 7 9 4 1 17 14 [17] 35.0
7.   CAN 210678 Matthew Laser Radial matthew burbidge 5 8 6 11 8 10 [11] 37.0
8.   214099 TBD Laser Max Bonin 6 7 15 18 10 5 [18] 43.0
9.   171660 N/A Laser Radial Jiarui Cao 60/BFD 11 1 4 15 15 [60] 46.0
10.   CAN 208747 Laser Radial Keagan Valentine 1 17 16 9 20 6 [20] 49.0
11.   198054 198054 Radial Helios HE 9 10 9 13 12 13 [13] 53.0
12.   187230 RCYC Laser Radial Adrian Tang 15 6 13 14 13 25 [25] 61.0
13.   CAN 216328 boat laser radial Finn O'Sullivan 14 16 11 5 31 18 [31] 64.0
14.   CAN 210628 Laser Radial Laser Radial Gavin White 26 23 28 14 2 [28] 65.0
15.   216324 - ILCA 6 Zoe Folsetter 22 20 20 24 3 1 [24] 66.0
16.   CAN 218330 218330 Laser Radial Dylan Finch 17 15 27 25 2 11 [27] 70.0
17.   CAN 187739 Laser Laser Radial Colin O’Connor 25 14 10 17 28 16 [28] 82.0
18.   CAN 201275 Polaris Junior ILCA 6 Malcolm MacGillivray 11 13 22 20 18 20 [22] 82.0
19.   214028 Davies Laser Radial Lindsay Davies 12 23 34 27 4 19 [34] 85.0
20.   171148 dillons boat Laser Radial dillon soin 10 19 18 15 24 62/BFD [62] 86.0
21.   Can 207227 Laser Laser Radial Ashley Gillis 20 12 12 60/RET 29 17 [60] 90.0
22.   CAN 200565 NA Laser Radial Luis Noriega 16 24 32 31 16 7 [32] 94.0
23.   210716 Laser Laser Radial Olivia Robin 21 30 17 8 30 23 [30] 99.0
24.   214044 laser Radial Rogan Boag 23 21 25 23 11 21 [25] 99.0
25.   CAN 196034 tbd Laser Claire Laderoute 26 25 28 26 9 29 [29] 114.0
26.   199194 $$$ Laser Radial Quinn Szemeczko 27 22 24 10 33 39 [39] 116.0
27.   190279 190279 Laser radial Katie Brickell 60/BFD 18 21 21 32 26 [60] 118.0
28.   214511 HQ!! Laser Radial Cynthia Chen 30 28 33 22 22 27 [33] 129.0
29.   214514 214514 Laser Radial Katie Bowie 29 29 19 12 41 62/BFD [62] 130.0
30.   Can 200182 Stephanie Laser Steffen Williams 32 60/BFD 14 16 48 24 [60] 134.0
31.   173943 Blue boat Laser Patrick Helyer 18 34 26 60/DNC 36 32 [60] 146.0
32.   196100 Blah Blah boat Laser Radial Lucas Nagy 31 35 41 33 19 34 [41] 152.0
33.   177325 CAN 177325 Laser Radial Rhys Cashin 38 33 42 36 23 22 [42] 152.0
34.   CAN 196058 Laser Laser Radial Wila Mannella 43 32 29 29 42 28 [43] 160.0
35.   187702 Helman laser Alex Batek 28 31 36 34 39 40 [40] 168.0
36.   209676 209676 Laser Radial Megan Gilbey 60/BFD 27 38 32 49 30 [60] 176.0
37.   CAN 177338 None Laser (Radial) Hayden Breau 36 41 39 60/RET 26 35 [60] 177.0
38.   CAN 214046 Daniella Laser Radial Daniella Woodbridge 24 60/BFD 31 30 35 62/BFD [62] 180.0
39.   Can 194548 194548 Laser Radial Kai Filmer 37 39 30 41 34 42 [42] 181.0
40.   167831 n/a Laser Radial Nate Devlin 39 46 46 42 25 37 [46] 189.0
41.   216281 Laser Radial PSA Emilia Kubik 35 36 37 60/DNC 40 44 [60] 192.0
42.   218580 Laser Laser Radial Kiara Davies 33 51 45 60/RET 37 36 [60] 202.0
43.   CAN 195868 Laser Laser Radial Ryan Leduc 44 53 35 35 46 43 [53] 203.0
44.   196061 Nolan's Laser radical Nolan Henneke 41 38 43 60/BFD 43 41 [60] 206.0
45.   209679 n/a Laser Radial Kate Varty 40 48 48 60/DNC 47 31 [60] 214.0
46.   Can 206104 na Laser radial Stanislav Kuzmenko 47 44 50 40 38 62/BFD [62] 219.0
47.   20981 n/a Laser Radial Gabriel Lane 49 49 40 43 52 46 [52] 227.0
48.   149188 Bruce Laser Radial Joshua Kairo 51 47 49 39 45 62/BFD [62] 231.0
49.   CAN 200606 Electra Laser Radial Catherine Jolicoeur-Becottte 48 42 44 44 53 62/BFD [62] 231.0
50.   CAN 206104 206104 Laser Radial Timothy Panov 46 40 47 37 62/DNC 62/DNC [62] 232.0
51.   8928 Isaac Miletin's Laser Laser Isaac Miletin 50 50 51 38 50 45 [51] 233.0
52.   192902 KateG Laser Kate Gorchakov 60/BFD 52 52 60/RET 44 38 [60] 246.0
53.   198703 n/a Laser Radial Amalia Sienkiewicz 61/BFD 37 61/RET 61/DNC 27 62/BFD [62] 247.0
54.   Can 174232 bluesclues Laser Emma Sampson 45 60/RET 60/DNC 60/DNC 51 33 [60] 249.0
55.   170764 N/A Laser Clare Bolt 52 54 53 45 54 47 [54] 251.0
56.   CAN 187865 187865 Laser Radial Elizabeth Cesak 34 43 60/DNC 60/DNC 62/DNC 62/DNC [62] 259.0
57.   CAN 182719 CAN 182719 Laser Radial Mark Gavich 19 60/DNC 60/DNC 60/DNC 62/DNC 62/DNC [62] 261.0
58.   CAN 205445 Gecko Laser Radial Max Rogers 42 45 60/RET 60/DNC 62/DNC 62/DNC [62] 269.0

2021 Four Sisters Regatta
Sub-Class Scoring - Final Cumulative Results

Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Race
Bravo Course Racing
One Design Division
Optimist - Blue
1.   CAN 1585 Pink Panther Optimist Oliver Leheup 3 6 5 1 3 1 1 [6] 14.0
2.   166 CAN 166 Optimist Sterling Ott 7 1 4 3 12/SCP 3 2 [12] 20.0
3.   1822 Opti Optimist Jack Gillis 1 3 13 7 5 6 7 [13] 29.0
4.   CAN 1795 Rock It Optimist Spencer Hrubant 13 7 10 9 4 5 6 [13] 41.0
5.   MEX 1058 Spyro Optimist Andres Noriega 8 11 7 8 8 9 5 [11] 45.0
6.   Can 1334 Opti Optimist Phillip Duko 6 8 2 4 6 35/UFD 20 [35] 46.0
7.   CAN 1610 CAN 1610 Optimist Emilie Leung 16 18 17 13 10 7 4 [18] 67.0
8.   CAN 1800 CAN1800 Optimist Brodie Sorensen 12 9 9 15 12 10 19/SCP [19] 67.0
9.   CAN 1798 Miss Piggy Optimist Eva Doucette 20 14 18 14 15 11 11 [20] 83.0
10.   CAN 1804 1804 Optimist Anna Chisholm 15 17 20 17 13 12 15 [20] 89.0
11.   CAN 1747 Mad Natom Optimist Nathaniel Storer 18 22 21 21 22 35/UFD 24 [35] 128.0
12.   CAN 1594 CAN1594 Optimist Elijah Pearson 23 21 35/RET 35/DNC 26 20 17 [35] 142.0
13.   1370 Tortuga Optimist Alisia Bowgen 25 26 26 23 24 23 22 [26] 143.0
14.   CAN 1670 Boat Optimist Olive Weakley 35/DNC 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNC 16 26 35/DNS [35] 182.0
15.   CAN 1410 RCYC Optimist Cole Bennett 35/DNF 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/UFD 24 35/DNS [35] 199.0
16.   1313 1313 Optimist Vivienne Boulanger 35/DNF 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 210.0
Optimist - Red
1.   CAN 1634 1634 Optimist Callum Ruch 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 [3] 11.0
2.   CAN 1782 n/a Optimist Tristan Miles 9 5 6 5 7 4 27 [27] 36.0
3.   CAN 1413 CAN1413 Optimist Alec Bostan 5 10 8 11 35/UFD 8 12 [35] 54.0
4.   CAN 1547 Dash Optimist Cheyenne Stafford 14 20 14 10 9 17 14 [20] 78.0
5.   1650 NA Optimist Jocelyn Zhu 17 16 15 12 11 22 9 [22] 80.0
6.   CAN 1576 Neptune's Fury Optimist Sally Laderoute 10 23 11 20 17 14 10 [23] 82.0
7.   CAN 1818 CAN1818 Optimist Andi Kinnear 4 4 3 6 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 87.0
8.   CAN 1721 Pegase Optimist Branwen Craig 19 24 19 19 18 19 18 [24] 112.0
9.   CAN 1720 Natom Bomb Optimist Thomas Storer 22 19 24 18 20 21 25 [25] 124.0
10.   CAN 1341 No Probllama Optimist Abigail Richards 35/RET 35/DNC 35/DNF 26 23 35/UFD 23 [35] 177.0
11.   1592 Opti Optimist Joel Voyer 30 28 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC 35/DNC [35] 198.0
Optimist - White
1.   CAN 1796 CAN1796 Optimist Tia Kinnear 24 13 16 25 35/UFD 15 19 [35] 112.0
2.   CAN 1669 Swan B Optimist Bernard Luttmer 27 25 23 24 19 13 26 [27] 130.0
3.   CAN 1728 N/A Optimist Charlotte Nugent 26 27 25 27 35/UFD 35/UFD 29 [35] 169.0
4.   CAN 1786 Miss Piglet Optimist Mia Doucette 29 35/DNS 35/NSC 35/DNC 27 25 21 [35] 172.0
5.   CAN 1440 CAN1440 Optimist Jaime Sorensen 28 29 35/RET 35/DNC 25 35/UFD 28 [35] 180.0

Protest Filing Report as of 27/Sep/2024 @ 08:18 AM

No. Race # Protesting   Protested Reason Hearing Status Jury Decision
1. 1 Phlat Earth ( 8873) vs (CAN 855) We were (Sail # 8873) sailing on starboard. Boat 855 came up on port. We hailed starboard but they didn't avoid us. We( sail # 8873) had to head up into irons to avoid them. We hailed protest and sail # twice. They didn't do their spins even though they had opportunity to. They broke rule 10. 03:10PM Closed Sail # 855 agreed to take 30% penalty in race 1
2. Showboat ( 8630) vs Redress - Race Committee Race #2 We altered course to aid a boat that had turtled and was struggling in the water. I left my boat to unturtle the boat and help the young sailors. Note: before leaving my boat, I asked if they help and they said "yes please" 03:40PM Closed Redress Given. Boat 8630 to be scored average points in race 2 equals 16th place.
3. 3 CAN1413 (CAN 1413) vs Redress - Race Committee After the P Flag went up the pin boat was attaching itself to the pin. This caused the mark to drag and the line to exit the water. I got stuck on the anchor line for about 20 seconds and it caused me to start under the entire fleet. I would like to be scored the average of my other scores. 03:55PM Closed Redress Given. Boat 1413 to be scored average points of races 1, 2, and 4 equal to 8th place for race 3
4. 1 CAN 7148 ( 7148) vs YviesIris (CAN 8874) 8874 pushed us away from leeward gate in a manner that wouldn't have allowed us to make the mark, then headed up into our boat, hitting us, as well as gybed their boom around hitting our crew on the head, resulting in turtling and a head injury. 04:05PM Closed Protest will be heard immediately after the final race on Sunday July 18th because protest time limit was extended due to injury. The hearing began at 16:28 with the protestor present and protestee attending virtually. Protestor 7148 represented by Owen Brohman, Protestee 8874 represented by Aurora Frank. Due to reception issue, hearing was adjourned until 17:27 with consent of both parties. At 17:09 text message received from Aurora Frank, protestee declining her right to present. Under 63.3 B hearing re-opened, protestor 7148 present and represented by Owen Brohman. In leg 1 of race 1, 2 boats, Club 420, the wind was 15 knots and the waves were 4 feet. 7148 was overlapped to windward of 8874, with approximately 1 boat length apart sailing downwind, having been continuously overlapped with considerable time. 8874 changed course abruptly to windward by approximately 45 degrees. 8874's bow made contact with 7148 around the shrouds. On contact, 8874's bow went under the port gunwhale of 7148 causing 7148 to roll to windward. Concurrently, 8874 gybed, her boom contacting the skipper of 7148 in the head, causing the skipper to fall forward into the mast. 7148 continued to roll and capsize 7148 was forced to retire from all races on day 1. 8874 continued in the race. The incident and capsize occurred between 4 and 5 boat lengths from the leeward mark. 7148 skipper had to attend hospital and was unable to compete on day1. Conclusion : 8874, the right of way boat, changed her course and failed to give 7148 room to keep clear, breaking RRS 16.1 Conclusion 2: 7148 was compelled to break RRS 14 due to 8874, breach of RRS 16.1 and is exonerated under RRS 43.1A 8824 is DSQ from race 1 on July 17, 2021 7148 is given redress average points for races sailed in Day 2.
4. 4 the other 420 ( 5640) vs Orange ( 8872) Could visibly see the skipper of 8872 pumping their boat upwind 05:00PM Closed
4. 4 N/A ( 8628) vs Redress - Race Committee As we were approaching the leeward mark there were no boats that had clear overlap with us. As we were rounding, boat 8633 cut inside with no room. After hitting us and the mark the jury boat flagged us when boat 8633 were in clear violation of rule 18. We were then forced to do penalty spins causing us to lose placements. Also, we made it clear to boat 8633 that they had no room upon entering the circle while rounding the mark. 05:00PM Closed Withdrawn by Aidan Van Droff
4. 2 n/a ( 8629) vs 7152 ( 7152) Straight after rounding the second offset windward mark, boat 7152 hoisted spinnaker and decided to gybe although we were directly to leeward and still starboard to them. As they gybed from starboard to port, their boom swung directly onto ours making contact with our main sail. They also called leeward after they gybed when we were still on a starboard tack. When we hailed protest on the water, they made snarky and rude comments. 05:15PM Closed 7152 is disqualified from race # 5 for breaking rule 10 & 14
5. Opti (Can 1334) vs CAN1800 (CAN 1800) On the start of Race Number 7, boat 1800 tried to port tack the fleet. Me (Boat 1334) was on starboard and had to duck him. I yelled protest but he didn't do his penalties. 04:35PM Closed Boat 1800 is taking a 30% penalty in race 7.
6. Protest Committee/Jury vs CAN 166 ( 166) Opti 166 tacked from port to starboard inside the zone of the mark. At the mark 166 caused the weather boat to go past close hauled and 166 hit the mark. Between the mark and the offset boat 166 did only one turn. Under Appendix U a boat must do 2 turns if breaching a rule inside the zone. 04:45PM Closed Boat 166 accepts a 30% scoring penalty in race 5
7. 6 Laser Radial ( 214031) vs 214043 (CAN 214043) Soon after rounding the gate to starboard 214043 who was not crossing, tacked onto port and I was forced to alter to avoid him while on starboard. I said protest and his sail #. After the race he said he was in the wrong. 05:20PM Closed Boat 214043 is taking a 30% scoring penalty in race 6 on july 18, 2021

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