2023 Charlottetown Yacht Club Wednesday Series
Preliminary Cumulative Results

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Bow Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Race
Spinnaker Racing
PHRF_ToT Division
1.   CAN 95 DogParty J-100 Terry Mckenna 3 1 13 2 2 1 7 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 43.0
2.   1089 Vulcan Etchells Spock The Vulcan 2 4 5.5 3 3.5 5 2 10.5 8 4 4 2 2 3 3 61.5
3.   Can 063 Satisfaction J 29 Randy Johnston 9 2 1 6 1 2 4 7 4 1 6 6 4 7 4 64.0
4. 03   1104 COMET Etchells WCY Walker/Compton/Youland 6 6 9 4 5 6 3 15 7 11 8 5 5 8 5 103.0
5.   CAN 491 Joyridin' J70 Graeme Carr 7 5 22/RET 11 6 8 19 8 6 7 5 3 11 6 12 136.0
6.   US9 38 Wink J 100 John Rankin 4 8 5.5 8 10 11 11 9 9 5 3 27/DNC 7 4 27/DNC 148.5
7.   CAN 235 Tonic J29 Andrew Rankin 11 9 11 10 12 9 27/DNC 4 12.5 7 14 7 9 5 8 155.5
8. 159   CAN 159 Jubilation J 29 Tim Cook / Chris Francis 12 7 2 5 11 14 27/NSC 12 10 10 18 9 8 13 6 164.0
9.   CAN 132 Babe J 100 Peter Bethune 5 3 25/DNC 25/DNC 9 15 18 14 12.5 9 7 4 19 2 10 177.5
10.   USA Hull 8 Minute Etchell 22 Page Martin 27/DNC 10 5.5 5 27/DNC 13 12 27/DNC 15 27/DNC 27/DNC 195.5
11.   USA 34434 Baboon Vello Kass 25/DNC 25/DNC 8 25/DNC 25/DNC 12 13 1 3 15 9 8 10 9 27/DNC 215.0
12.   CAN 232 Jeorgia Girl J 29 Dan & Dave McInnis 25/DNC 25/DNC 15 7 7 7 8 27/DNC 11 12 13 27/DNC 12 14 7 217.0
13.   USA 81 Artemis J100 David Stewart 25/DNC 25/DNC 4 1 3.5 4 9 27/DNC 27/DNC 2 10 27/DNC 6 27/DNC 27/DNC 224.5
14.   USA 6973 Antilhez A31 Emmilhez Dwverger 16 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 232.0
15. 65   CAN 65 HeadFirst3 Farr 30 Peter Toombs 1 25/DNC 7 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 1 27/DNC 2 13 27/DNC 27/DNC 1 27/DNC 2 235.0
16.   USA 14 Wild Thing Farr 30 Jason Aspin 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 3 5.5 6 5 6 15 12 20 27/DNC 13 237.5
17. 02   CAN 956 BRIZO Etchells J E M 10 10 14 13 14 13 15 16.5 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 13.5 10 9 246.0
18.   30502 Endeavour J 30 Nathan Fredrickson 25/DNC 13 3 14 19 21 21 16.5 15 16 21 13 21 27/DNC 11 256.5
19.   USA 519330 Intuition Steve Cudmore 25/DNC 11 10 25/DNC 18 18 10 27/DNC 14 17 17 10 18 12 27/DNC 259.0
20.   Can 853 Totally Wild Melges 24 Adam Affleck 27/DNC 25/DNC 17 12 15 16 27/DNC 2 27/DNC 3 1 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 280.0
21.   14984 Rampage Mirage 24 Marty Gay 13 25/DNC 16 25/DNC 13 17 17 19 27/DNC 14 20 11 17 27/DNC 27/DNC 288.0
22.   CAN 1160 Point Eight J 70 Peggy Bethune 14 12 25/DNC 25/DNC 17 20 20 10.5 27/DNC 18 11 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 14 294.5
23. 07   320 Can 320 Etchells Peter Williams 8 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 14 13 27/DNC 8 19 27/DNC 16 27/DNC 27/DNC 311.0
24.   USA 380 Whisper E22 Chriss Harris 25/DNC 25/DNC 18 25/DNC 16 19 12 18 27/DNC 27/DNC 16 27/DNC 13.5 27/DNC 27/DNC 322.5
25.   USA 142 1 4 Suprise J 29 Jason Aspen 15 25/DNC 22/RET 9 8 25/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 11 27/DNC 331.0
26. 01   CAN 1069 The Lost Boys Etchells Wyatt Thompson 25/DNC 25/DNC 12 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 27/DNC 380.0

Protest Filing Report as of 13/Jul/2024 @ 07:04 AM

No. Race # Protesting   Protested Reason Hearing Status Jury Decision
1. 3 Tonic (CAN 235) vs Satisfaction (Can 063) Findings of fact: Tonic was on Starboard tack about 1/3 Of the way up the first beat and hailed starboard to Satisfaction on port. Satisfaction asked tonic to hold their course which they did. A minor collision resulted with Tonic contacting Satisfaction near the stern. No damage resulted. No protest flag was flown and there was no immediate notification of intention to protest. Closed Result: protest was disallowed.
2. 3 Joyridin' (CAN 491) vs 1 4 Suprise (USA 142) Findings of fact: both boats were on Starboard talk about half way up the first beat with Joyriding to leftward and on a converging course with surprise. Joyriding hailed for right of way but surprise did not respond. As the boats converged, surprise hit Joyriding on the stern and spun Joyriding around across surprises bow. Both boats became entangled at this point. Joyriding flew a protest flag, informed surprise of the protest and notified the race committee of the incident and their subsequent withdrawal from the race. Surprise subsequently withdrew from the race after completing two penalty turns. Joyriding suffered non minor damage as a result of the collision. Result: Surprise is found to be at fault due to Rule 11 (windward/leeward). Because of the damage that occurred, surprises penalty turns do not exonerate her. Closed Surprise at fault.

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