SAP 2017 International 5O5 World Championship
Preliminary Cumulative Results

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Bow  Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Race
World Championship Racing
One Design Division
International 5O5
1. 06   USA 9072 IO Integration 505 Mike Holt / Carl Smit 2 1 15 5 3 1 3 89/DNC [89] [15] 15.0
2. 74   USA 9106 Mike's Boat 505 Mike Martin / Adam Lowry 8 21 25 6 2 6 1 3 [25] [21] 26.0
3. 34   GBR 9088 Gill Race Team 505 Andy Smith / Roger Gilbert 10 3 6 2 5 3 15 16 [16] [15] 29.0
4. 51   USA 9091 Its Big Its White 505 Edward Conrads / Brian Haines 9 6 7 1 4 20 6 12 [20] [12] 33.0
5. 36   GBR 9190 P and B Race Team 505 Ian Pinnell / Dave Shelton 4 4 8 21 10 7 5 8 [21] [10] 36.0
6. 16   USA 9173 Team Rooster 505 Tyler Moore / Rob Woelfel 3 25 27 15 6 2 8 4 [27] [25] 38.0
7. 35   USA 9160 Frozen Banana 505 Howard Hamlin / Andy Zinn 1 5 4 41 8 18 89/DNF 7 [89] [41] 43.0
8. 27   GER 8929 8929 505 Kai Bertallot / Jan Reifferscheidt 15 9 35 29 1 4 2 36 [36] [35] 60.0
9. 05   GBR 9180 Ovington Boats (276) 505 Nathan Batchelor / Norman Byrd 23 2 11 4 27 32 20 5 [32] [27] 65.0
10. 41   GER 9043 Bikini Atoll 505 Angela Stenger / Skipper: Nikola Birkner 19 10 1 14 20 89/DNF 28 2 [89] [28] 66.0
11. 84   USA 8970 Bessy 505 Christopher Segerblom / Eric Anderson 29 8 23 25 14 8 7 9 [29] [25] 69.0
12. 12   USA 9007 License to Kill 505 Matthew Barry / Thomas Barrows 22 12 18 19 24 17 4 1 [24] [22] 71.0
13. 25   USA 9003 Toxic Asset 505 Jesse Falsone / Chris Behm 17 16 3 8 89/DNF 16 12 24 [89] [24] 72.0
14. 23   USA 9102 SUP 505 Douglas Hagan / Shane Illidge 6 7 9 9 38 27 33 14 [38] [33] 72.0
15. 37   FRA 9175 505 505 Philippe Boite / Florian Corbel 11 18 30 7 13 19 19 6 [30] [19] 74.0
16. 49   USA 8995 blue boat 505 Kevin Taugher / Reeve Dunn 5 20 19 10 11 89/DNF 16 37 [89] [37] 81.0
17. 83   USA 8681 Park Miller LLC 505 Stuart Park / Ryan Cox 7 31 41 27 9 13 9 18 [41] [31] 83.0
18. 54   USA 8715 Pressure Drop 505 Ethan Bixby / Parry Barclay 18 19 2 22 36 5 27 25 [36] [27] 91.0
19. 04   USA 8830 NESS 505 Drew Buttner / Mark Zagol 21 36 47 3 18 26 13 19 [47] [36] 100.0
20. 43   GER 9169 505 Tim Boeger / Finn Boeger 14 11 38 55 7 25 11 34 [55] [38] 102.0
21. 33   AUS 9167 Soaked 505 Nigel Lott / Bob Franks 24 14 31 17 23 10 23 89/DNF [89] [31] 111.0
22. 56   AUS 9191 Swear jar 505 Malcolm Higgins / Marcus Cooper 16 24 26 37 31 23 24 11 [37] [31] 124.0
23. 78   USA 909 IBIYCYHI 505 A.J. Conrads / Richard Mundell 20 28 43 39 16 34 21 10 [43] [39] 129.0
24. 32   USA 9095 Highway 95 Revisited 505 Macy Nelson / Russell Miller 32 62 29 12 15 24 17 57 [62] [57] 129.0
25. 58   USA 8913 USA8913 505 Dan Herlihy / Austin Powers 12 26 17 31 48 62 22 22 [62] [48] 130.0
26. 53   USA 9005 USA 9005 505 Gordon Russell / Martin Goult 44 35 13 18 56 11 26 28 [56] [44] 131.0
27. 45   GBR 9178 bottle of red bottle of white 505 chris lewns / Jarrod Simpson 30 45 40 20 21 9 14 38 [45] [40] 132.0
28. 73   GBR 9179 The Mechanic 505 Tudor Owen / Thomas Bruton 41 27 55 13 30 22 18 29 [55] [41] 139.0
29. 19   GER 9146 Magic Marine 505 Jens Findel / Johannes Tellen 46 43 12 89/DSQ 17 12 10 89/DNF [89] [89] 140.0
30. 47   USA 8831 Big Red Dog 505 Kerry Poe / Paul VonGrey 13 42 33 60 12 33 30 40 [60] [42] 161.0
31. 17   AUS 9110 OCCY 2 505 Mark Stowell / Adam Brenz-Verca 28 50 24 16 28 31 34 42 [50] [42] 161.0
32. 89   USA 8851 USA 8851 505 Ted Huebner / Mike Komar 27 47 22 26 35 35 35 17 [47] [35] 162.0
33. 28   AUS 9028 Earle Grey 505 Earle Alexander / Ian Gregg 25 22 34 36 25 29 32 89/DNF [89] [36] 167.0
34. 26   IRL 8987 Lookadatla 505 Peter Scannell / John Dunlea 33 49 45 24 29 14 29 54 [54] [49] 174.0
35. 18   USA 8841 Swagman 505 Michael Coe / Ali Meller 35 29 28 35 40 89/DNF 89/DNC 15 [89] [89] 182.0
36. 07   FRA 9150 KE ATAO IV 505 Herve de Kergariou / Guillaume de Kergariou 50 17 20 11 46 54 43 50 [54] [50] 187.0
37. 01   USA 904 904 505 Benton Amthor / Doug Amthor 31 89/DSQ 16 33 52 38 42 30 [89] [52] 190.0
38. 10   USA 8631 FB Incognito 505 Tom Crawford / Pierre Jeangirard 55 15 73 32 32 43 50 26 [73] [55] 198.0
39. 44   USA 8814 Sojourner 505 Lin Robson / Matthew Gardiner 57 32 5 44 51 72 46 21 [72] [57] 199.0
40. 29   AUS 9134 Boaty McBoatface 505 Curtis Hartmann / Michael Quirk 39 34 50 89/DSQ 26 15 36 89/DSQ [89] [89] 200.0
41. 87   CAN 7200 More Desperate Measures 505 Jeff Boyd / Rachael Boyd 60 33 14 30 42 51 38 47 [60] [51] 204.0
42. 76   USA 9172 Tamaki 505 Paul Scoffin / Brendan Heussler 49 44 37 42 22 36 37 39 [49] [44] 213.0
43. 21   USA 9041 Bench Mark 505 Henry Amthor / Dustin Romey 26 71 52 40 34 21 41 58 [71] [58] 214.0
44. 75   USA 9183 No Retreat 505 Dylan Breton / Matthew Breton 43 72 49 53 19 71 45 13 [72] [71] 222.0
45. 22   USA 7359 Hatoup 505 Catherine Guiader / Christopher Brady 48 30 53 28 89/DNF 70 62 20 [89] [70] 241.0
46. 60   AUS 9115 505 Dean Souter / Brad Clarke 54 13 21 34 89/DNF 89/DNF 31 89/DSQ [89] [89] 242.0
47. 55   DEN 9079 Little Bluenose 505 Jesper Bülow / Søren Asboe Jørgensen 47 40 87/DNS 89/DNC 37 28 40 56 [89] [87] 248.0
48. 71   USA 8850 Dr. Crash 505 Doug Watson / Gabriel Watson 64 48 10 38 50 41 89/DNC 62 [89] [64] 249.0
49. 69   USA 8883 Jane's Addiction 505 Kelsey Averill / Michael Renda 42 57 66 43 43 47 48 31 [66] [57] 254.0
50. 50   USA 8616 Miami Vice 505 mike powell / Lee Laney 53 68 61 45 41 39 44 41 [68] [61] 263.0
51. 08   AUS 8877 LEE Sails 505 Amy Lee / Justin Mulkearns 65 41 42 49 33 53 49 63 [65] [63] 267.0
52. 64 UK Sailmakers  GBR 9125 Rock Beat 505 Roger Deane / Nigel Deane 73 70 57 63 59 30 25 51 [73] [70] 285.0
53. 59   USA 8930 Blondage 505 Duane Delfosse / Sol Marini 62 52 58 71 39 89/DSQ 39 35 [89] [71] 285.0
54. 66   FIN 8768 Giiamari 505 Petri Ebeling / Antti Salonen 40 56 39 66 49 36 89/DNC 65 [89] [66] 285.0
55. 14   USA 9116 The Great Pumpkin 505 Katherine Long / Dan Ginther 38 38 67 58 54 68 58 48 [68] [67] 294.0
56. 62   USA 7606 Battleship 505 Brendan Connell / Steve Lovshin 52 37 85/DNF 50 89/DNF 44 89/DNC 27 [89] [89] 295.0
57. 65   GBR 9126 Serendipity 505 Stuart Turnbull / Andy Forman 56 51 56 73 47 69 54 32 [73] [69] 296.0
58. 82   USA 8952 FIG JAM 505 Jake Spracher / Jay Smith 71/SCP 54 36 48 89/DNF 49 65 55 [89] [71] 307.0
59. 79   CAN 9138 505 505 Marek Balinski / Barney Harris 75 64 63 65 53 40 89/DNF 23 [89] [75] 308.0
60. 30   POL 9132 White Wood Sailing Team 505 Przemek Zagorski / Michal Olko 34 89/DSQ 69 47 71 42 52 66 [89] [71] 310.0
61. 57   GER 8988 Larissa 505 Georg Mittermayer / Dirk Barteldt 82 23 74 79 55 37 47 78 [82] [79] 314.0
62. 63   USA 910 Schneller 505 Kaila Pfrang / Anna Patterson 68 59 76 23 73 67 55 44 [76] [73] 316.0
63. 42   CAN 8600 Mystery 505 Marie Gendron / David Brown 58 76 32 70 62 60 56 61 [76] [70] 329.0
64. 81   USA 8819 Noch Schneller 505 Christopher Pfrang / Eric Schwab 71 46 77 52 89/DNF 52 89/DNF 33 [89] [89] 331.0
65. 85   USA 8937 8937 505 Tim Murphy / Matt Merchant 51 67 71 64 61 46 61 53 [71] [67] 336.0
66. 48   AUS 8968 Devils Haircut 505 matt Hansen / Crazy John McLean 81 61 59 68 44 48 57 79 [81] [79] 337.0
67. 40   USA 8439 Yes Dear! 505 Anne Fitzpatrick / Christian Pittack 37 89/DNE 60 77 45 58 89/DNF 49 [89] [77] 338.0
68. 46   USA 8194 8194 505 Clark Hayes / Clayton James 36 75 64 69 65 63 59 52 [75] [69] 339.0
69. 11   BER 9176 Yabsta 505 Gary Taylor / Brett Wright 59 53 46 59 70/SCP 64 71 59 [71] [70] 340.0
70. 31   FRA 9086 FRA 9086 505 Neidhart Elisabeth / David De Monteil 45 55 51 46 89/DNC 89/DNC 89/DNC 60 [89] [89] 346.0
71. 67 North Sails  AUS 9018 Eighteen 505 Brett Bowden / Arielle Darrow 69 65 80 54 64 61 63 43 [80] [69] 350.0
72. 90   CAN 8260 Red Rocket 505 Shona Moss Lovshin / Devlin Lovshin 79 60 54 61 57 89/DNF 89/DNC 45 [89] [89] 356.0
73. 38   USA 8838 Team Trouble 505 Sterling Spruill / Steve Taylor 70 74 79 67 63 45 53 64 [79] [74] 362.0
74. 91   USA 8081 Poly Styrene 505 Michael Parramore / Marco Giraldi 66 58 44 75 68 59 69 71 [75] [71] 364.0
75. 77   CAN 8368 Send it! 505 Paul Place / Nicolas Tosi 77 69 78 56 70 66 66 46 [78] [77] 373.0
76. 02   AUS 9071 Red Baron 505 Richard Hyde / Lindsay Hyde 63 73 72 74 60 50 60 68 [74] [73] 373.0
77. 09   GBR 9105 Duck Duck Duck! 505 James McGillivray / Ian McGillivray 72 63 65 76 69 57 51 73 [76] [73] 377.0
78. 13   USA 8919 Safety Word 505 Bryan Richardson / Ashley Love 89/DNF 39 48 51 89/DNF 89/DNF 89/DNF 67 [89] [89] 383.0
79. 24   USA 8766 The Shocker 505 Ian Conners / Jimmie Cockerill 61 79 68 72 89/DNF 55 72 69 [89] [79] 397.0
80. 20   JPN 6999 Applesap 505 Shiro Noguchi / Takao Fijita 76 66 89/DSQ 62 67 89/DNF 64 75 [89] [89] 410.0
81. 86   CAN 8755 Kryptonite 505 Brian Trainor / Mike Poulos 78 77 81 81 58 56 68 74 [81] [81] 411.0
82. 72   USA 8822 Wicked Pissa 505 David Burchfiel / Bob Williams 84 82 62 80 89/DNC 65 67 70 [89] [84] 426.0
83. 39   GBR 8435 505 505 Patrick Mcgale / langdon junge 74 80 70 57 75/TLE 89/DNF 89/DNC 77 [89] [89] 433.0
84. 68   USA 8244 Hodor 505 Paul Andron / Chris Drury 86 84 84 84 89/DNF 73 70 72 [89] [86] 467.0
85. 03   AUS 8738 A Salt Weapon 505 John Macarthur-King / Sarah Macarthur-King 85 78 75 82 72 89/DNF 89/DNC 76 [89] [89] 468.0
86. 88   USA 7197 Matilda 505 David Neal 80 81 82 78 75/TLE 89/DNF 73 81/TLE [89] [82] 468.0
87. 80   USA 7148 Covfefe 505 Eric Konieczynski / Kyra Tallon 83 83 83 83 89/DNC 89/DNC 89/DNC 89/DNC [89] [89] 510.0

Protest Filing Report as of 06/Oct/2024 @ 06:46 AM

No. Race # Protesting   Protested Reason Hearing Status Jury Decision
1. 1 Park Miller LLC (USA 8681) vs Redress - Race Committee Combined with number 2 04:30PM Closed Sails 909, 8681, 8766, 8814, 8850 to be given zero penalty in race 1
2. 1 IBIYCYHI (USA 909) vs Redress - Race Committee Held with #1 04:30PM Closed Sails 909, 8681, 8766, 8814, 8850 to be given zero penalty in race 1
3. 3 8929 (GER 8929) vs White Wood Sailing Team (POL 9132) Port-starboard Hearing 1730 or earlier if both parties present 05:30PM Closed POL 9132 DSQ in race 2 of series (first race on Tuesday)
4. 3 Bench Mark (USA 9041) vs In cerevesia velocitas II (GER 9146) Port-Starboard 05:50PM Closed GER 9146 DSQ in race 4 of series (third race of Tuesday)
5. 2 Battleship (USA 7606) vs Applesap (JPN 6999) Protest & redress (damage) 06:20PM Closed JPN 6999 DSQ in race 3 of series (second race of Tuesday). Redress denied to USA 7606
6. 3 Battleship (USA 7606) vs Boaty McBoatface (AUS 9134) Port-Starboard 06:40PM Closed AUS 9134 DSQ in race 4 of series (third race of Tuesday).
7. 4 Poly Styrene (USA 8081) vs Redress - Race Committee Redress for mark To be heard ASAP Closed Redress denied.
8. 2 Miami Vice (USA 8616) vs 904 (USA 904) Rule 18 07:30PM Closed USA 904 DSQ in race 2 of series (first race of Tuesday)
9. 4 In cerevesia velocitas II (GER 9146) vs Request by 9146 to reopen hearing 4 is denied. Closed Request to reopen denied
10. 6 Blondage (USA 8930) vs Tamaki (USA 9172) Mark-room at Gybe mark 06:25PM Closed USA 8930 DSQ in race 6 of series
11. 8 Its Big Its White (USA 9091) vs Boaty McBoatface (AUS 9134) Protest & Redress for incident at start. 02:00PM Closed AUS 9134 retired. Redress denied.

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