2023 The Bitter Ender
Final Results Race 1

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time Distance Wind

Bitter Ender PHRF_ToT PHRF Doublehanded 13/Oct/2023 03:00 PM 61 NM  

Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
Bitter Ender Racing
PHRF_ToT Division
PHRF Doublehanded
1   USA 12424 byte Sunfast 3300 Robert & Collin Alexander 54.0 / 1.0762 13/Oct/23 - 22:59:40 0:07:59:40 0:08:36:13 1 1
2   USA 24 Thin Man J 99 Todd Aven & Gerard Girstl 72.0 / 1.0450 13/Oct/23 - 23:24:13 0:08:24:13 0:08:46:54 2 2
3   USA 52400 Tenebrae J/124 William Ingraham 42.0 / 1.0980 13/Oct/23 - 23:06:21 0:08:06:21 0:08:54:01 3 3
4   USA 51950 Duet Sun Fast 37 Andrian (Andy) Lubimov 114.0 / 0.9789 14/Oct/23 - 00:12:24 0:09:12:24 0:09:00:45 4 4
5   USA 46650 Charlotte J/120 Richard West 48.0 / 1.0870 13/Oct/23 - 23:23:48 0:08:23:48 0:09:07:38 5 5
6   USA 100 Lion Sailing J100 Leopold Brandl / Luis 87.0 / 1.0204 14/Oct/23 - 00:20:27 0:09:20:27 0:09:31:53 6 6
7   306 Wildeyes Quest30 Michael Millard 90.0 / 1.0156 14/Oct/23 - 00:33:34 0:09:33:34 0:09:42:31 7 7
8   USA 143 Sapphire J 35 Jim Farrell 75.0 / 1.0400 14/Oct/23 - 00:22:29 0:09:22:29 0:09:44:59 8 8
9   USA 30 Blackcomb J100 Jon Yoder & Bill Gassman DNC 93.0 / 1.0109       10  
  Race Notes & Remarks: Finish times are adjusted to compensate for actual start times since you can not enter individual start times in Yacht Scoring. A spreadsheet of actual start times and finishes is posted on the Notice Board

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