2023 Hammond Race
Preliminary Results Race 1

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time ORC/ORR Distance Wind

2023 Hammond Race ORC Hammond Race 10/Sep/2023 08:55 AM Pred. Upwind - Low 10.62 NM 4 Kts

Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
2023 Hammond Race Racing
ORC Division
Hammond Race (Pred. Up Low ToT)
1   USA 369 Skoot J/109 Dan Lewis 0.7919 10/Sep/23 - 11:32:00 0:02:37:00 0:02:04:20 1 1
2   USA 2021 Nicole Cal 40 Tom Campbell 0.7177 10/Sep/23 - 14:04:31 0:05:09:31 0:03:42:08 2 2
3   USA 7172 Sugar J/109 Elliott Crooke DNS 0.0000       6  
4   USA 2604 Rattle N Rum GP 26 Stanley Shortz DNS 0.0000       6  
5   USA 1889 Mint Tripp 33 David Hitt DNS 0.0000       6  

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