2024 Commodore's Trophy Race
Final Results Race 1

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time ORC/ORR Distance Wind

Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT Ensign 08/Sep/2024 11:00 AM    
Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT Single/Double Hand 08/Sep/2024 11:05 AM    
Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT C-2 08/Sep/2024 11:25 AM    
Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT C-1 08/Sep/2024 11:30 AM    
Commodore's Trophy Race ORC ORC 08/Sep/2024 11:35 AM Triple W/L High 14 NM 18 Kts
Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT S-2 08/Sep/2024 11:40 AM    
Commodore's Trophy Race PHRF_ToT S-1 08/Sep/2024 11:45 AM    

Bow Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
Commodore's Trophy Race Racing
ORC Division
ORC (Triple W/L High)
1   USA 9393 Set Free IMX 40 Jim Slavin 1.0733 08/Sep/24 - 14:33:07 0:02:58:07 0:03:11:10 1 1
2 00   USA 51442 Xcellent X442 Eric O'Sullivan 1.0822 08/Sep/24 - 14:34:37 0:02:59:37 0:03:14:23 2 2
3   USA 11114 19th Nervous Breakdown J 111 John Sutherland 1.0970 08/Sep/24 - 14:35:58 0:03:00:58 0:03:18:31 3 3
PHRF_ToT Division
1 01   33900 Altered States S2 10.3 John Brousseau 141.0 / 0.9407 08/Sep/24 - 12:56:03 0:01:26:03 0:01:20:57 1 2
2   USA 50195 Mast Transit II J 27 David Kelly 148.0 / 0.9312 08/Sep/24 - 12:57:44 0:01:27:44 0:01:21:42 2 3
3   42277 Fusion Tripp 37 Mark Salerno 105.0 / 0.9924 08/Sep/24 - 12:52:30 0:01:22:30 0:01:21:52 3 4
4 00   USA 51403 Bagatelle Kiss 44 Thomas Doyle 110.0 / 0.9848 08/Sep/24 - 12:57:12 0:01:27:12 0:01:25:52 4 8
1 35   14569 Mentor Pearson 26 Mark Kondracky 228.0 / 0.8355 08/Sep/24 - 13:01:34 0:01:36:34 0:01:20:41 1 1
2   51181 Splashdance O'Day 34 Harlan Fredericksen 185.0 / 0.8844 08/Sep/24 - 12:58:05 0:01:33:05 0:01:22:19 2 5
3   8 Margery Nonsuch 33 Ward Woodruff 174.0 / 0.8978 08/Sep/24 - 12:57:15 0:01:32:15 0:01:22:49 3 6
4   USA 25051 Trilogy Cal33 Joshua Hazelwood 160.0 / 0.9155 08/Sep/24 - 12:57:18 0:01:32:18 0:01:24:30 4 7
5 02   USA 22 Heron Nonsuch 36 Roy Adamson 156.0 / 0.9207 08/Sep/24 - 12:59:40 0:01:34:40 0:01:27:10 5 10
6   USA 245 Pinga Tartan 37 Robert Amrein 186.0 / 0.8832 08/Sep/24 - 13:12:06 0:01:47:06 0:01:34:35 6 12
7   51729 Syrah Beneteau 311 Yaakov Barshalom OCS 206.0 / 0.8598       8  
1   319 TeamWork Ensign Eric Jones 100.0 / 1.0000 08/Sep/24 - 12:44:33 0:01:44:33 0:01:44:33 1 13
2   1731 Triton Ensign Morgan Kelly 100.0 / 1.0000 08/Sep/24 - 12:47:05 0:01:47:05 0:01:47:05 2 15
3   11 Swoose Ensign Russell Carr 100.0 / 1.0000 08/Sep/24 - 12:47:29 0:01:47:29 0:01:47:29 3 16
4   62 When Ensign James Parisi 100.0 / 1.0000 08/Sep/24 - 12:51:27 0:01:51:27 0:01:51:27 4 17
5   301 Firebird Ensign Michael Macina DNF 100.0 / 1.0000       6  
Single/Double Hand
1   50950 Acadia Tartan 3800 Prescott Littlefield 160.0 / 0.9155 08/Sep/24 - 12:39:46 0:01:34:46 0:01:26:46 1 9
2   73423 Aries C&C 34+ David Knecht 130.0 / 0.9559 08/Sep/24 - 12:39:42 0:01:34:42 0:01:30:31 2 11
3   94 The Psychology Pearson 303 John Donnelly 221.0 / 0.8431 08/Sep/24 - 13:10:34 0:02:05:34 0:01:45:52 3 14
1   625 Reckless J 105 Robin Durrschmidt 88.0 / 1.0188 08/Sep/24 - 14:45:18 0:03:00:18 0:03:03:41 1 18
2   USA40252 Sir Prize Sirena Constantine Manthous 86.0 / 1.0220 08/Sep/24 - 14:45:12 0:03:00:12 0:03:04:10 2 19
3   USA CGA-3 Stormy Petrel USCG Leadership 44 United States Coast Guard Academy 51.0 / 1.0815 08/Sep/24 - 14:35:49 0:02:50:49 0:03:04:44 3 21
4 03   43663 Caliente Tripp 36 Joel Z. Green 73.0 / 1.0433 08/Sep/24 - 14:43:43 0:02:58:43 0:03:06:27 4 22
5   51898 Bright Side Beneteau 36.7 Ian Scotland/ Bill Gladstone 76.0 / 1.0383 08/Sep/24 - 14:50:06 0:03:05:06 0:03:12:11 5 24
6   USA BER 1 Hedgehog Melges 32 United States Coast Guard Academy 24.0 / 1.1324 08/Sep/24 - 14:36:25 0:02:51:25 0:03:14:07 6 25
7   52464 Side-tracked Beneteau First 36.7 Stuart Caplan 73.0 / 1.0433 08/Sep/24 - 15:06:45 0:03:21:45 0:03:30:29 7 26
1 01 Other  31550 Arabesque Chance CTM 31 Robert Bruno 140.0 / 0.9420 08/Sep/24 - 14:56:00 0:03:16:00 0:03:04:38 1 20
2 00   32639 Ackvavit Aphrodite 34 Paul Grady 140.0 / 0.9420 08/Sep/24 - 14:59:42 0:03:19:42 0:03:08:07 2 23
3   4093 Miss America J 24 Michael Zeller DNF 171.0 / 0.9015       4  

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