2010 Alfred Roosevelt Cup
Final Results Race 1

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time Distance Wind

Alfred Roosevelt Cup IRC IRC 15/May/2010 11:00 AM 16.6 NM 20 Kts
Alfred Roosevelt Cup PHRF PHRF 15/May/2010 11:00 AM 16.6 NM 20 Kts
Alfred Roosevelt Cup PHRF_ToT Classics 15/May/2010 02:00 PM 8 NM 12 Kts

Bow Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
Alfred Roosevelt Cup Racing
IRC Division
1   USA 50069 Oakcliff Ker 50 Ker 50 Oakcliff Sailing Center   15/May/10 - 14:06:40 0:03:06:40 0:03:56:19 1 1
2   USA 52675 Oakcliff Ker 11.3 Ker 11.3 Oakcliff Sailing Center   15/May/10 - 14:24:31 0:03:24:31 0:03:56:37 2 2
3   USA 15628 Oakcliff Sailing Farr 40-1 Farr Oakcliff Sailing Center   15/May/10 - 14:20:44 0:03:20:44 0:03:59:16 3 3
4   USA 51990 Oakcliff Sailing Farr 40-2 Farr Oakcliff Sailing Center   15/May/10 - 14:32:50 0:03:32:50 0:04:13:41 4 4
PHRF Division
1   USA 91 Halcyon Sabre 38 George Meyer   15/May/10 - 14:04:28 0:03:04:28 0:02:26:17 1 1
2   B Arete Beneteau 40 William Denslow   15/May/10 - 14:09:20 0:03:09:20 0:02:31:58 2 2
3   B MoKa Beneteau 361 Walter Henry   15/May/10 - 14:24:16 0:03:24:16 0:02:44:25 3 3
4   USA 32554 Decal C&C 110 Calvin Kleinman   15/May/10 - 14:17:50 0:03:17:50 0:02:54:02 4 4
5   265 Lollygag Catalina Mark I 42-3 Peter M Weiler DNF         6  

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