2023 Vineyard Cup Regatta
Preliminary Results Race 3

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time Distance Wind

Vineyard Cup One Design Herreshoff 12.5 07/Jul/2023 01:00 PM    

Bow Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
Vineyard Cup Racing
One Design Division
Herreshoff 12.5
1   132 Lila Herreshoof james jones       1
2   USA 268 Moonshadow Doughdish Frank Sutula       2
3   H 254 Patch of Green Herreshoff 12 1/2 ALEXANDER KERR       3
4   H 342 WHRILWIND DOUGHDISH Philip Hale       4
5   55555 Chestnut H12 1/2 Elizabeth Kahane         5

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