2012 International Etchells North American Championships
Final Results Race 3

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time Distance Wind

North American Championship One Design International Etchells 07/Sep/2012 01:33 PM    

Bow   Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
North American Championship Racing
One Design Division
International Etchells
1 32   USA 1137 La Tormenta Etchells Shannon W Bush       1
2 17   USA 1378 Etchells Etchells Marvin Beckmann       2
3 02   AUS 102 Roulette Etchells Mark Johnson       3
4 08   USA 988 USA 988 Etchells Tomas Hornos       4
5 05   USA 1305 Clean Execution (276) Etchells Michael Gavin       5
6 04   USA 1404 USA 1404 Etchells Jim Cunningham       6
7 34   NZL 1348 Cruel Jane Etchells Dirk Kneulman       7
8 22   USA 1221 Riva Etchells Wade Edwards       8
9 12   CAN 1247 Rain Etchells Allan Leibel       9
10 06   CAN 1246 Landed Immigrant Etchells Hans Fogh       10
11 03   CAN 1053 Slim Etchells Allan Gray       11
12 15   USA 1375 1375 Etchells Argyle Campbell       12
13 14   CAN 968 JRWoneDesign Etchells Jerry Wendt       13
14 20   USA 978 Julia Etchells Rick Kaiser       14
15 31   CAN 1231 Wayward Etchells Jerry O'Brien       15
16 25   USA 1198 America Jane 11 Etchells Scott Kaufman       16
17 11   USA 1398 Firing Line Etchells Bruce Burton       17
18 72   USA 1372 1372 Etchells Jon McClean       18
19 09   CAN 1069 The Lostboys Etchells Paul Laflamme       19
20 21   USA 21 Trixieblue Etchells Doug Scheibner       20
21 88   BAH 1388 Annie Etchells Gary Gilbert       21
22 19   USA 1301 Mary Ann Etchells Peter Shumaker       22
23 01   USA 1001 The D Etchells Donald Maxwell       23
24 07   USA 1307 Nemesis Etchells Jeff Nehms       24
25 10   USA 907 Volition Etchells Ed Kriese       25
26   USA 1310 1310 Etchells John Podmajersky DNC       28  
27   USA 819 Make Mine A Double Etchells Jeff Borland DNC       28  

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