2016 Etchells Bedrock Trophy
Final Results Race 4

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Racing Circle Division Class Starting Date Starting Time Distance Wind

Bedrock Trophy One Design Etchells 02/Oct/2016 10:50 AM    

Bow Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Status Rating Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Class Fleet
Bedrock Trophy Racing
One Design Division
1 92   GBR 927 Shamal Etchells Mark Lees       1
2 41   GBR 1441 Highlife Etchells Peter Rogers       2
3 71   GBR 1271 Ziggy Etches Ali Hinds       3
4 38   GBR 1438 Swedish Blue Etchells Ante Razmilovic       4
5 37   GBR 1437 Exabyte 7 Etchells Shaun Frohlich       5
6 20   GBR 1020 Sumo Etchells Martin Evans       6
7 31   GBR 1431 Strait Dealer GBR Etchells David Franks       7
8 29   GBR 1329 Stampede Etchells Rob Goddard       8
9 94   GBR 1194 Mano Etchells Emily Wiltshire       9

2016 Etchells Bedrock Trophy
Corinthian Teams - Final Results Race 4

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