2024 Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series
Official Notice Board

Protest Filings

No protests currently filed...

Notice of Race
Notice of Race (03/Jun/2024 @ 21:03 - GMT-5)
  NOR Amendment #1 (03/Jun/2024 @ 21:03 - GMT-5)

Sailing Instructions
Sailing Instructions (06/May/2024 @ 19:44 - GMT-5)

Additional Event Documents
  Class Start Order & Warning Flags (16/May/2024 @ 16:33 - GMT-5)
  Notice to Competitors (09/Mar/2024 @ 09:52 - GMT-5)
  Scoring Inquiry Form (16/Feb/2024 @ 16:08 - GMT-5)
  Hearing Request Form (16/Feb/2024 @ 16:08 - GMT-5)
  Appendix V – Penalty Acknowledgement Form (16/Feb/2024 @ 16:09 - GMT-5)
  Online Hearing Procedure Guidelines (16/Feb/2024 @ 16:09 - GMT-5)
RC Docking Time and Protest Time Limit
Day Racing Circle Dock Time Protest Time Limit  

23/Aug    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 07:50 PM 08:50 PM  

02/Aug    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 07:29 PM 08:29 PM  

26/Jul    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 08:23 PM 09:23 PM  

20/Jul    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 08:15 AM 09:15 AM  

19/Jul    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 08:15 PM 09:15 PM  

12/Jul    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 07:52 PM 08:52 PM  

21/Jun    Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series 07:50 PM 08:50 PM  

Notice Board Posts

09/Aug/2024 @ 11:37AM

Friday Beer Can Race 8/9 Abandoned -

Due to severe weather, tonight's Friday Beer Can race has been abandoned.  NOAA is projecting Gale Force Winds and has a Hurricane Watch until 10PM.

Thank you for your support and participation.  See you August 23rd (no Beer Can next week).

Easport YC Race Committee

08/Aug/2024 @ 11:09AM

UPDATE: Fawcetts Friday Beer Can August 9th -

We are closely monitoring the tropical storm approaching.  Thunderstorms and heavy wind are expected through tomorrow late afternoon/early evening.  We will make the call whether to conduct the race no later than 4:00 PM Friday.  If we cancel the race we will notify competitors via this Yacht Scoring email channel.  Thank you for your support.

Eastport YC Race Committee

12/Jul/2024 @ 09:29PM

RC Protesting1203 and 1489. -

A protest is pending against 1203 and1489 by the RC. The hearing will be held virtuall on Tuesday, July 16 at 8:30 pm. Results of the protest are 1489 took a post race penalty and 1203 is DSQ. 

03/Jun/2024 @ 09:03PM

Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Cans Series - NoR Amendment No. 1 Posted -

Hello Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Cans Competitors!

Race Committee posted NoR Amendment No. 1.  This update revises teh race schedule by deleting the race on 07 June, and adding a race on 02 August.  Both the NoR Amendment and the revised NoR are attached here for your convenience.


EYC Race Committee

03/Jun/2024 @ 04:47PM

EYC Friday Beer Can Cancelled June 7th -

From the 2024 Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Can Series event:


Eastport YC Fawcett's Friday Beer Can Competitors


Due to a conflicting event that is being hosted this Fri-Sun by EYC, the US Sailing Match Race Qualifier, we are cancelling this Friday's Beer Can race (June 7).  The match race boats will occupy the EYC marina docks, making it extremely difficult to launch EYC boats for a Friday Beer Can race.  We have rescheduled this race for Friday August 2.  Thank you for your understanding and support.


EYC Race Committee

16/May/2024 @ 04:33PM

Fawcett's Friday night Beer Cans Series - Class Start Order & Warning Flags -

Hello Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Cans Series Competitors!

Race Committee posted the start order & Warning flag details for the 2024 Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Cans Series; it is attached here for your convenience.

We hope you will join us a little later this evening on the scheduled Zoom call!

See you then - and see you on the water!!


EYC Race Committee

15/May/2024 @ 03:11PM

EYC Fawcetts Friday Beer Can Series Competitors Zoom Meeting -

EYC Beer Can Competitors

Here is the call in information for our Zoom meeting Thursday May 16th 7:00PM.  We will review the SI's, the class splits, start sequence and the new courses.


See you tomorrow,

EYC Race Committee

06/May/2024 @ 07:44PM

2024 Fawcett's Friday Night Beer Cans Series - SIs Posted -

Hello 2024 Fawcett’s Friday Night Beer Cans Competitors!

We have a few items to note.

    1.  Race Committee posted the SIs; the document is attached to this email for your convenience.

    2.  We urge everyone to take a few minutes to review the content – both the written text & the course diagrams.  We want to call your attention to the fact that COURSE G and COURSE H have been revised.  In the past, courses F-J were designated when conditions favored a first leg heading up the Severn River; however, while courses F, I, & J had their finishing leg also heading up the river, courses G & H had finishing legs heading down the river.  In situations when some classes sail one course and the others sail a different course, there existed the possibility of boats finishing simultaneously while heading in opposite directions.  To address this safety concern, all courses now finish in the same direction in which they started.

    3.  Don’t forget – we intend to post on the Official Notice Board the Class/Order of Start designations by 1900 on Thursday, 16 May 2024 (per SI 6.2).  Additionally, a competitors meeting (via Zoom) is also scheduled for the same evening at 1900 (per NoR 6.1).  We that you - or a crew designee - will join us.

    4.  ONE-DESIGN CLASSES.  As of this moment in time, the scratch sheet reflects there are 3 confirmed OD classes:  Cal 25 (5 boats); Harbor 20 (7 boats); J/30 (5 boats).  However, 3 classes remain short of the minimum 5 paid entries:  J/80 (1 boat); J/105 (1 boat); & Viper 640 (4 boats).  If the minimum number of paid entries is not reached, boats in those classes may race in one of the PHRF classes ONLY if they have a valid 2024 PHRF of the Chesapeake certificate.

The first race of the season is nearly here – we look forward to seeing you on the water very soon!


EYC Race Committee

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